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Crosstabs as charts: introducing the contingency map

Crosstabs as charts: introducing the contingency map

Tabular presentation is one of the most universal reporting techniques.
The Marimekko chart or analytical patchwork

The Marimekko chart or analytical patchwork

What data can we show on a regular bar chart? How many variables can we use? For those who answered…
Cross-selling and tables

Cross-selling and tables

What combination of products frequently end up in a shopper's basket? What services are usually bou…
Multiple choice: which percentage base to use?

Multiple choice: which percentage base to use?

Multiple choice questions where the respondent may select more than one answer are commonly used in…
Weights and tables

Weights and tables

When creating a table, you can present weighted or unweighted data. As usual, the answer depends on…
Dashboarding – reporting for decision-making

Dashboarding – reporting for decision-making

The dashboard is a type of panel board, a control panel, or instrument board.
Three ways to perceive reliability

Three ways to perceive reliability

When measuring a phenomenon, you need to select the right tool. To measure temperature, you use a t…
Story of a pie

Story of a pie

You may not know this but this year is the 217th birthday of the humble pie chart. Its first known,…
When letters count in a table

When letters count in a table

A common task analysts are often faced with is to establish whether there are any relationships bet…
Bullet graph

Bullet graph

How can we improve a bar chart? Of course, it depends on what we want to achieve.
Reduction of multidimensionality

Reduction of multidimensionality

Is a simple two-dimensional coordinate system always enough for us?
How to prepare for reliability analysis?

How to prepare for reliability analysis?

The area of reliability analysis is of interest first of all to those who plan to use scales and in…
What do waterfalls have to do with data visualization?

What do waterfalls have to do with data visualization?

A waterfall graph, otherwise known as a cascade chart, may mean very little to those of us from out…
Deciding to remove an item from the scale

Deciding to remove an item from the scale

Sometimes instead of asking a single question in a survey, we ask a whole set of questions, which a…
Speedometers in reporting

Speedometers in reporting

Speedometers, or gauges, are very intuitive hence their popularity in dashboarding. But they evoke …
Dartboards and dashboards

Dartboards and dashboards

The dartboard visualization is another useful medium for presenting the results of analyses on a da…
Perceptual maps: choosing the correct normalization method

Perceptual maps: choosing the correct normalization method

In this article you can find perceptual maps prepared using different normalization methods.
Basic steps when design tables

Basic steps when design tables

Humans presented data in tabular format already in the ancient times. Thus, sometimes we can be del…
Correspondence analysis: solution quality assessment

Correspondence analysis: solution quality assessment

Correspondence analysis is a technique often thought of as an alternative to a crosstab (contingenc…
Violin plot

Violin plot

Before starting a more complex data analysis, it is worth taking a closer look at variable distribu…
Table or cube? Reporting in the form of olap cubes

Table or cube? Reporting in the form of olap cubes

When we want to include a lot of values in a table, in several various cross-sections e.g. by time,…
Building charts with bricks

Building charts with bricks

Data visualisation helps present in an attractive way information that could be difficult to interp…
Series plot

Series plot

The series plot is a type o linear or layered plot most often used to represent changes in time. Th…
Maps that grow out of trees: data visualisation as an artform

Maps that grow out of trees: data visualisation as an artform

In the previous PS blog “Trees that grow out of tables”, Janusz Wachnicki described how a good unde…
Visualising decision trees: the classic refurbished

Visualising decision trees: the classic refurbished

In this post, we continue to discuss the visualisation of nested hierarchical data. In my previous …
Pointing the way with arrows

Pointing the way with arrows

When creating dashboards, reports, or infographics, you often use other elements besides charts and…
50 years of SPSS – statistical data analysis software

50 years of SPSS – statistical data analysis software

It all began in 1968, when Norman H. Nie, C. Hadlai (Tex) Hull and Dale H. Bent decided to develop …
Correspondence analysis: calculating distances in a table

Correspondence analysis: calculating distances in a table

Correspondence analysis is one of the most convenient and popular exploratory techniques in data an…
Hierarchical graph

Hierarchical graph

Hierarchical data can be presented using various visualisations. Today’s article will focus on the …
Word cloud: an extraordinary visualisation from an ordinary table

Word cloud: an extraordinary visualisation from an ordinary table

Frequency, group structure, or percentage share analysis is one of the first tasks of an analyst.
Sankey diagram

Sankey diagram

When analysing data on migration, transport, international trade, or traffic on a website, you are …
Tables for multiple questions measured using the same scale

Tables for multiple questions measured using the same scale

Surveys often use questions where respondents assess different elements on the same scale.
When is a value ‘good’ or ‘bad’? About thresholds and alerts in dashboards

When is a value ‘good’ or ‘bad’? About thresholds and alerts in dashboards

The dashboard is a form of reporting, which allows the analyst to convey information in a concise w…
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