New analytical engine IBM SPSS STATISTICS 26
Newly released IBM SPSS Statistics 26 offers many new statistical procedures such as quantile regression and ROC curve analysis. In addition, a number of improvements have been made to existing procedures, such as Bayesian statistics and reliability analysis, and changes in syntax procedure commands.
New predictive solutions menu procedures
PS IMAGO PRO includes new procedures to facilitate data preparation and transformation. Among others, "Combine data" to combine multiple sav files (by adding observations) and "Create calendar" to streamline analysis of time series data.
Efficient sharing and management of reports
Improvements in the provision and management of an IT environment for publication, storage and management of information across an organization. This includes PS IMAGO Portal Cloud, which offers access to online reports with a security certificate..
New analytical engine IBM SPSS STATISTICS 26
Data analysis by means of new, advanced analytical procedures:
1. Quantile regression - models the relationship between a collection of predictors (independent variables) and specific percentiles (or quantiles) of a predictive (dependent) variable, most frequently the median;
2. ROC curve analysis - a useful tool for assessing the accuracy of model prediction by plotting the sensitivity to a (1-specificity) classification test (at a threshold changing over the whole range of diagnostic test results).
Updated procedures and command language:
- Improvements to the procedures using Bayesian statistics:
- One-way ANOVA test with repeated measurements;
- One sample Binomial distribution;
- One sample Poisson distribution.
- Fleiss’ kappa added to Reliability analysis procedure for verification of conformity of assessments of several assessing persons;
- Improvements to the functionality of syntax procedures:
- MATRIX procedure;
- Generalized linear models (GENLINMIXED);
- Mixed linear models (MIXED).
- Changes to the production tasks procedure related to reporting and planning of batch tasks, including the possibility to:
- INSERT HIDDEN feature in the Command Editor to send jobs to the IBM SPSS Statistics Server;
- Replace IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services with Microsoft Windows Task Scheduler or MacOS Automator for performing scheduled tasks.
New data preparation procedures in the predictive solutions menu:
1.Join files procedure:
- combine multiple SAV files (by adding observations) located in the specified folder;
- select a template file with descriptions of variables, which additional observations will be added ;
- add a variable identifying the data set that the observations come from to the resulting set;
- prepare a text report that will be displayed in the results window. The report contains a summary of the combining procedure.
2. Create calendar procedure:
- create a new dataset on the basis of the specified start and end date, in which an observation is created for each day in the given range;
- add additional variables with information about the year, quarter, month, weekday or day of month.
3. PS IMAGO Portal Cloud
PS IMAGO Portal Cloud is an IT environment that serves to publish, store, and manage an organization’s data in the cloud. It guarantees uninterrupted access to PS IMAGO Portal and complete security of reports and data stored there). Access to the published content is ensured through a safe communications protocol with SSL certificate which means that reports may be read by authorized users only. PS IMAGO Portal Cloud is a means by which an organization can safely store all analytical information in one place, without additional costs, allowing for:
- publishing analytical content in the cloud;
- adjusting the portal structure to your organization’s structure and/or operating method;
- adjusting the portal layout to the visual identification of your organization;
- access to reports from any place using a computer or a portable device;
- reduction of costs incurred in relation to IT infrastructure;
- sharing of analytical content for selected groups within the organization;
- managing published content and reports;
- sending notifications on updates and new reports.
- copying of the prepared report pages;
- extension of reports – possibility to add more objects;
- changes to the container generation methods – adding structures without deleting those previously created on the page;
- moving containers to the top/bottom.
- possibility to insert columns.
- improvements to Portal’s responsiveness on mobile devices;
- possibility to use MySQL base or MS SQL Server as the Portal’s repository;
- accessibility of Apache Web Server or Internet Information Services as a web server;
- assigning roles and authorizations to Portal users;
- accessibility of tabs for administering and managing the Portal, dedicated to administrators with different authorization levels;
- facilities to manage file types that may be published in the Portal and adding of new languages;
- possibility to create sections as separate Portal websites for different departments of an organization.
4. Docker containerization technology
Docker is a tool with which you can put the program and the libraries it requires in a portable, virtual container. Lightweight of this solution allows to run it on almost any Linux server.
The Docker solution is a lightweight in use, open source project offering additional protective layer for the application.