PS IMAGO PRO 5.1 - see what's new

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The new release of our comprehensive analysis and reporting solution, PS IMAGO PRO 5 is available now!


New features include:


Analitycal IBM SPSS Statistcs 25

IBM SPSS Statistics 25 offers Bayesian statistics. It also streamlines analyses in the Base and Advanced modules (including OML, GENLINMIXED). It supports exporting reports to MS Office and has an updated chart wizard.

Improved Data Management

PS IMAGO PRO has new procedures: coding multiple response sets and copying value labels, which make it easier to work with data and manage it at the preparation and analysis stages.

Group Eveluation

The group evaluation procedure helps assess the quality of observation clustering using an indicated set of characteristics and the Silhouette coefficient. The procedure yields tables, charts, and new variables full of insight.

Refined Reporting

New functionalities such as page cloning or improved container management make it easier to prepare a dashboard report. In the document mode, you can write up a report using a column layout.

Safe report publishing

New functions for report control and management in the organisation have been added: user roles and privileges. In the new version of the program, you can use MySQL or MS SQL databases as the repository. Reports you publish are available on mobile devices as well.

Result Visualization

A number of new charts: violin plot, waterfall chart, hierarchical chart, series plot, or treemap provide an attractive and clean presentation of information in a single chart. Additionally, two new dashboard charts are available: dartboard and arrows and lights..


The solution is based on the latest version of the IBM SPSS Statistcs engine.

The most important news in 25 are:

New options in the Analysis menu:

  • Bayesian statistics: procedures allowing to use Bayesian inference, e.g. ANOVA, tests for dependent and independent events, Pearson correlation, linear regression, log-linear models;using statistics both from the user interface and with the use of syntax commands.
  • upgrades of Base and Advanced model analyses: UNIANOVA, GLM, mixed linear models and generalized linear models.

Updated chart wizard window:

  • interactive switching between preview of edited elements and their properties,
  • automatic preview of introduced changes,
  • change of default chart template – compatible with MS Office suite.

Changes to the syntax editor and the data editor:

  • enabled syntax edition in the column mode;
  • data copying with variable names or variable labels;
  • new keystrokes to accelerate entering syntax commands.

Export support for MS Office suite:

  • copying charts as Microsoft Graphic Objects,
  • editing selected charts in the MS Office suite,
  • using MS Office chart templates in IBM SPSS Statistics.

11 new procedures in the predictive solutions menu

PS IMAGO PRO is not just about the engine. The changes also include the PREDICTIVE SOLUTIONS tab

Procedures for data and transformation area:

  • coding multiple response sets – allows to change the method of coding of selected variables,
  • copying value labels – allows to copy, overwrite or merge value labels for the result variable on the basis of value or labels of the selected variable

Analytical procedure – Group evaluation enabling:

  • quality assessment of the completed grouping on the basis of the calculated Silhouette coefficient combining the concept of group cohesion and their separation,
  • saving new variables for further calculations, with Silhouette values for each observation, and the distance from focus centers to which they belong and the identifier of the closest focus for a point,
  • calculating descriptive statistics for each focus and creating diagnostic charts: Silhouette value distribution in the group division, distance between the focus centroids and the observation distance from the group centroid.

New chart types:

  • Word cloud 
  • Sankey diagram
  • Cascade chart
  • Violin plot
  • Treemap  
  • Hierarchy chart  
  • Row chart  

Word cloud

For visualising the popularity of a category using words or bubbles of different sizes and colours

Sankey diagram

Can present relationships between individual categories of variables, balance, and value flow


Allows to prepare a mosaic plot where the surface of each segment is proportional to its percentage in the overall number or based on selected group statistics;

Hierarchy chart

Allows to present hierarchical data in different aggregation levels – up to 5 levels using the dialog box and up to 10 levels using the syntax language commands.

Row chart

Allows to present change over time, e.g. volume of sales, in the form of a linear chart or a layer chart;

Violin chart

Works well when comparing variable distributions in subgroups.

Cascade chart

It allows you to create a bar chart used to understand the contribution of individual elements to the overall result.

New dashboard-type charts

  • “Dartboard” type dashboard 
  • “Arrows and lights” 

“Dartboard” type dashboard

Allows to compare an indicator in groups selected through qualitative variable categories, presenting the result in the form of a dartboard (a dashboard with polar coordinates);

“Arrows and lights” dashboard

Allows to present an indicator in separate groups indicated through qualitative variable categories in the form of a dashboard with arrows or traffic lights.


The most important new feature is the ability to publish and distribute reports online

PS IMAGO Portal Cloud is an IT environment that serves to publish, store, and manage an organization’s data in the cloud. It guarantees uninterrupted access to PS IMAGO Portal and complete security of reports and data stored there ). Access to the published content is ensured through a safe communications protocol with SSL certificate which means that reports may be read by authorized users only. PS IMAGO Portal Cloud is a means by which an organization can safely store all analytical information in one place, without additional costs, allowing for:

  • publishing analytical content in the cloud
  • adjusting the portal structure to your organization’s structure and/or operating method
  • adjusting the portal layout to the visual identification of your organization
  • access to reports from any place using a computer or a portable device
  • reduction of costs incurred in relation to IT infrastructure
  • sharing of analytical content for selected groups within the organization
  • managing published content and reports
  • sending notifications on updates and new reports

Improvements and new functionality when creating reports:

  • dashboard mode
  • copying of the prepared report pages,
  • extension of reports – possibility to add more objects,
  • changes to the container generation methods – adding structures without deleting those previously created on the page,
  • moving containers to the top/bottom,
  • In the document mode – possibility to insert columns.

New features of PS IMAGO PORTAL:

  • improvements to Portal’s responsiveness on mobile devices,
  • possibility to use MySQL base or MS SQL Server as the Portal’s repository,
  • accessibility of Apache Web Server or Internet Information Services as a web server,
  • assigning roles and authorizations to Portal users,
  • accessibility of tabs for administering and managing the Portal, dedicated to administrators with different authorization levels,
  • facilities to manage file types that may be published in the Portal and adding of new languages,
  • possibility to create sections as separate Portal websites for different departments of an organization.

PS IMAGO Portal Cloud

Preparation of the report in document mode

  • A clear and fully functional text editor
  • Effective use of PS IMAGO PRO result objects
  • Possibility to export the document to pdf and docx

Preparation of the report in dashboard mode

  • Interactive and modern presentation of results
  • Dashboards
  • Adding comments to objects and linked pages
  • Import to pdf or to html format

Report design tool

  • Intuitive tool
  • Simultaneous work on document and dashboard modes
  • Editing result objects PS IMAGO PRO
  • Effective report design using a container system
  • Easy management and modification of styles, colors and layout of reports

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