PS CLEMENTINE PRO 3.0 - what's new

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PS CLEMENTINE PRO is a modern data mining and data science analysis environment.

It is a comprehensive solution, which can be used to build analytical processes embedded in business reality as well as easily monitor and manage them. The presence in the solution of IBM SPSS Modeler - one of the best analytical engines - guarantees access for analysts to a wide palette of algorithms and advanced data management tools, and Predictive Solutions’ original procedures allow the tool to be flexibly adjusted to business requirements.

The most important new features in PS CLEMENTINE PRO 3.0 are:


Multi-platform support

The new improved version of PS CLEMENTINE PRO 3.0 solution has been developed on the basis of needs reported by our customers. Care has been taken to improve the solution's functionality and compatibility. In this way, from PS CLEMENTINE PRO version 3.0 it is possible to install the software on a central machine located in a different environment than Windows. Currently, the following Linux system distributions are supported:

  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and higher,
  • Red Hat Enterprise 7 and higher,
  • Debian 8 and higher.


New possibilities for integration with the it infrastructure

From version 3.0, PS CLEMENTINE PRO allows full communication with network services – both in the SOAP and REST technology.

Already in PS CLEMENTINE PRO version 2.2 it was possible to use 5 additional nodes:

  • PS FILE LIST – enables simultaneous reading and combining multiple flat files with the same structure;
  • PS VARIABLE NAMES – makes it possible, in easy and quick way, to modify names of multiple variables at the same time;
  • PS SOAP SOURCE NODE – allows data to be acquired from services available on the internet and serving data using the SOAP technology;
  • PS SOAP OUTPUT NODE – allows the data processed to be sent from the stream to external online services;
  • PS CLEMENTINE JOB – allows a task defined in PS CLEMENTINE PRO system repository to be triggered;
  • PS CDS JOB – allows sending of an IBM SPSS Collaboration & Deployment Services job activation order.

PS CLEMENTINE PRO 3.0 contains all the nodes from version 2.2, and additionally:

  • PS SOAP TRANSITION NODE – allows data to be acquired from services available on the internet and serving data using the SOAP protocol, based on earlier parameters/guidelines preset by the user (e.g. data from 01.04.2020);
  • PS REST SOURCE NODE – allows data download from services available on the internet written in REST architectural style;
  • PS REST TRANSITION NODE – enables communication with network services written in the REST architectural style. The node is used to download data, create and send data to a service, update data, as well as remove data from a service;
  • PS REST EXPORT NODE – sends data from the analytical process to external online services or removes them. The node supports network services written in the REST architectural style.

The update of database access controllers included e.g. Oracle version 19, SQL Server 2017 and support for cloud solutions (Snowflake).



New versions of analytical environments

PS CLEMENTINE PRO 3.0 contains new versions of analytical engines, namely:

  • IBM SPSS Modeler, version 18.2.2 – adds Snowflake fast database service and cross validation in automated data modelling procedures – in the Auto Classifier and Auto Numeric nodes;
  • R version 3.5 - increased memory use efficiency and calculation speed, thanks to incorporating the ALTREP project;
  • Python version 3.7 – simplifications related to data class definition and asynchronous process coding, UTF8 mode, functions allowing time to be returned with the precision of nanoseconds, modifications in the code debugging process based on a loop, and many others.




Improvements in automation

The latest release features new possibilities for automatic triggering of analytical processes according to a schedule:

  • A new job activation method has been introduced – interval. This functionality allows jobs to be activated at specified time intervals, e.g., every 15 minutes during a defined time range defined by the start and end date;
  • The possibility to activate jobs has been extended using web service communication: now we can also use communication using the REST technology;
  • The same task can be triggered differently, namely by using a configured task schedule, file monitor or web service;
  • Saving database authentication data is now at the task level and not, as previously, at the stream level, offering more flexible use of streams.



Functional improvements

Version 3.0 introduces improvements in task management:

  • Monitoring tasks (Controller) available from the Manager level. Change of the view type allows the Controller messages to be filtered by task date and type;
  • New Task History – as an additional tab available from the repository application window level. It can be used not only to find a task and information about its execution, but also move directly to the stream in the repository used by the task.



Higher security

The architectural changes in PS CLEMENTINE PRO 3.0 have increased user data safety and supervision over the environment, e.g.:

  • it is possible to identify the user activating a job.



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