
Home Articles - taxonomy Authors Przemysław Solecki


Correspondence analysis: calculating distances in a table

Correspondence analysis: calculating distances in a table

Correspondence analysis is one of the most convenient and popular exploratory techniques in data analysis.

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Word cloud: an extraordinary visualisation from an ordinary table

Word cloud: an extraordinary visualisation from an ordinary table

Frequency, group structure, or percentage share analysis is one of the first tasks of an analyst.

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Shopping for a mountain trip: analysis of multiple response sets

Shopping for a mountain trip: analysis of multiple response sets

Multiple response sets often form the basis for further detailed questions about opinions on selected products.

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Sankey diagram

Sankey diagram

When analysing data on migration, transport, international trade, or traffic on a website, you are often faced with the problem of visualising the flow between the analysed units.

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Multidimensional scaling in brand positioning

Multidimensional scaling in brand positioning

Positioning a product in the context of the competition, or the identification of a product’s features and attributes are often key issues facing marketing, promotion, and product managers.

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When two dimensions are not enough: the multidimensional scatterplot in ps imago pro

When two dimensions are not enough: the multidimensional scatterplot in ps imago pro

A scatterplot, or scatter graph, is a popular diagnostic tool for associations between quantitative variables. It is invaluable in correlation analysis for readily assessing the nature and the shape of the relationship between two variables.

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Consumer shopping value analysis using regression trees. Part 1

Consumer shopping value analysis using regression trees. Part 1

How can we estimate the potential value of consumer shopping, predict the behavior of a visitor to our website, or reduce the risk of credit losses?

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Consumer shopping value analysis using regression trees. Part 2

Consumer shopping value analysis using regression trees. Part 2

Regression trees are a very interesting data analysis technique commonly used in tasks related to poststratification, forecasting, and segmentation.

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