Task diagram – new possibilities for creating and visualizing processes in PS CLEMENTINE PRO

Reading time:  2 minutes

Creating and managing analytical tasks is an important part of working with ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) tools and advanced data analysis programs. 

In the latest version of PS CLEMENTINE PRO, improvements have been made to make users' daily work easier. One of them is the ability to create task diagrams.

Task diagram – what is it?

Imagine that you create a process to periodically prepare a list of customers for a given marketing campaign. The “recipe” for such a task may consist of several elements: an analytical stream that selects customers, another stream that generates a report, followed by a script that organizes the data, and a script that draws a sample from the data. 

We usually see such steps as a list of objects to be executed one at a time. In PS CLEMENTINE PRO 5.0, the possibility of representing this process in the form of a diagram appeared. Thus, we have a Start element, which symbolizes the beginning of the task, followed by “blocks” representing each object such as a stream, script or command (Fig.1). We connect them using arrows so as to determine the order in which they are run. Importantly, the diagram is not just a pretty picture - it is primarily a tool to control the logic of the task.



Task diagram in PS CLEMENTINE PRO

Parallel execution of objects – a new level of flexibility

One of the most interesting features introduced in PS CLEMENTINE PRO 5.0 is the ability to run objects in parallel. What does this look like in the diagram? Suppose after the Start step we want to run two different streams at the same time - one generates data for a report, and the other processes a different set of information for the analyst team. In the diagram, we simply run two arrows from the Start element to both streams (Fig.2). The result? Both processes will start working at the same time. Once they are completed, we can move on to the next step, which already requires the results from both previous steps.

This major convenience reduces the total execution time of tasks, especially in environments where we have the computing power for parallel processing. As a result, our processes become more efficient and we gain time. This solution requires PS CLEMENTINE PRO to be configured with a server.



Parallel processing of task elements

Support for multiple object types and extensive scenarios

Task diagrams and work in PS CLEMENTINE PRO do not limit us to one type of object. We can put analytical streams there (executed in IBM SPSS Modeler), scripts in Python or R, and command line commands. Each object type is marked with a different color bar on the right side of the block. This allows us to immediately see which element we are dealing with. This is another way to understand the process faster and diagnose possible problems more easily.

Ability to modify tasks and respond quickly to changes

The analyst's work is sometimes dynamic: data, schedules, and business requirements change. If we need to modify an existing task in PS CLEMENTINE PRO, the diagram serves as a great reference point. Seeing the entire process in graphical form makes it easier to decide where to make changes or add a new step. All we need to do is drag new objects, connect them with the appropriate arrows and save the task. This ensures that the new process will be consistent and logical, and there is much less risk of configuration errors.

In case we need to start a task manually or stop it in the middle, the diagram helps us quickly see which stage we are at and what exactly is being done. This makes it easier to manage tasks and gives us better control over what is happening in our analytics environment.

Task diagrams – summary

The introduction of the task diagram in PS CLEMENTINE PRO 5.0 is a significant step forward in the area of analytical process management. The graphical representation of steps, the ability to run objects in parallel, and the user-friendly labeling make working with tasks not only more efficient, but also more intuitive.

For those who are new to PS CLEMENTINE PRO, the task diagram provides a friendly introduction to the logic of configuring processes: instead of delving into complicated settings, they can quickly get an idea of the workflow thanks to a simple, visual diagram.

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